Are you ready to discover your true power as a leader, release your potential, and influence change?

I coach women who want to be leaders in their life and at work.

Who want to have a seat at the table where decisions are being made, whether that’s around the kitchen table or in the meeting room.

Supporting you to understand the game changing woman you want to become and overcome your imposter to step into your power and transform your life.

8 years ago I was completely lost. 

On the outside I seemed to be having the time of my life. Partying, travelling, earning the big bucks and spending it just as quickly.

But I was completely lost in the Bermuda triangle of grief (they say everything happens in 3’s). I was spiralling out of control as I tried to deal with loss. The loss of my mother, my friendship and marriage of 20 years and the pain of childhood abuse.

With Grief Comes Growth.

After hitting rock bottom I decided to invest in counselling, NLP and my friendships to embark on an inner journey that resulted in the worst 3 things in my life becoming my biggest strengths, my ‘Power of Three’.

I became an accredited transformational coach in life coaching, positive psychology and women’s leadership. Combined with my career history of business and marketing strategy and brand management I sought consultative roles with not for profits to help grow their businesses.

I redefined my journey. It took a long time and it never ends, in life we are constantly rewriting our narrative to stay true to who we really are and why we are here. The journey is one I still navigate with stabilisers!

I Know Why I’m Here.

To change the world by supporting women to step into positions of power and lead, within themselves, their careers and communities.

I had been holding myself back for too long. I realised how many women do the same thing and how society holds us all back. 

So let me help you become the limitless woman you are.

Don’t let another year pass you by thinking things will get better.

Transform your life and become limitless today.

If you are experiencing any of the below and want to evolve into the limitless woman you are in 2024, get in touch.

  • A number of life events have slowly but surely, negatively impacted your confidence.

  • You find yourself over-thinking situations and not being able to achieve the outcomes that you want from challenging encounters.

  • A lack of clarity has enabled an underlying fear of failure to re-surface and at times, dominate, impacting your ability to make decisions.

  • You’re struggling to be assertive in the workplace, at home or in social situations.

  • You have recognised all these things in yourself lately and want to address them – but don’t know how.

    Ask for help - Let’s talk.

Here’s how you can work with me

1:1 Coaching

In life, face-to-face connection makes all the difference when tackling limitations. Let's work together to build robust coping mechanisms that transcend personal and professional challenges.

It's time to take the lead in your life. Discover more about personalised coaching—your path to empowerment starts here.

Wheel of Life Club

Ever feel like life's a juggling act, leaving you overwhelmed and stuck? Whether it's health, wealth, career, or family, our Wheel of Life Club empowers you to prioritise and make real changes.

Join for less than a coffee a week—unleash limitless personal growth. Ready for a life in balance? Discover more now.

“I have since embarking on this process seen and felt the reward of our time spent together. As such, going forwards, I intend to maintain regular contact with Andrea – committed to the invaluable sense of wellness that comes from sharing with someone who genuinely cares and whom I fully trust.”

— Suzi